
Council Recognizes Year's Best Teachers

The second surprise came when John Paul Rollert '00, former chair of the council's Student Affairs Committee (SAC), rose to present an award that was not on the program.

He presented Dean of Undergraduate Education and Reisinger Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures William M. Todd III with a plaque as a token of the council's appreciation for his work as dean. Todd is leaving his deanship in July and will resume his teaching and research duties.

The council had voted by acclamation to praise Todd for his commitment to improving academic life for students.


Rounding out the awards was the honor for teaching fellows, given to Jeremy Weinstein, a doctoral student at the Kennedy School of Government and resident tutor in Winthrop House.

Weinstein teaches sections for a little-known Core class, Social Analysis 52: "Growth and Development in Historical Perspective."

"There are very few teachers capable of keeping me awake at 9 a.m.," said one student who nominated Weinstein after taking his early-morning section of the class.

Elizabeth M. Foster '01, another nominating student, said Weinstein's influence convinced her to join the Peace Corps after she graduates.

Weinstein will not teach the class next year--he will be working toward his degree in Africa.

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