


Rudenstine Has Wrong Idea for Pudding Show


To the editors:

I was dismayed to see that President Neil L. Rudenstine has endorsed a co-educational policy for the cast of the Hasty Pudding Theatricals (News, May 15). Apparently, President Rudenstine does not realize that the Theatricals are drag shows. A drag show is based upon the simple principle that a 6-foot-tall blonde in an evening gown with a five-o'clock shadow is funny.

Any attempt by the administration to force a co-ed cast would detract from this effect. Moreover, it would represent a dangerous attempt to legislate art and (even more insidiously) humor. Academic freedom is essential to the honest conduct of a university, and it matters just as much on the theatrical stage as it does in the lecture hall.

Gareth E. Driver '01

May 16, 2000

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