Diplomats, he said, lack the means to do their job effectively. He said some foreign service officers do not even have access to e-mail.
"You can't have multilateral engagement without diplomacy," he said.
Gardner projected by the year 2005, the ratio of classic national security spending such as defense budgets to "new" national security will be 16 to 1, a formula which he said will prove to be "self-destructive."
If Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush is elected, his budget proposals will exacerbate the problem, Gardner said.
. "This is not the kind of world Americans want their children to inherit," he said.
Gardner defended himself from critics in the audience who called his attention to controversies afflicting the current administration.
"I am not here to defend the last eight years of President Clinton's administration," Gardner said. But he then smiled. "They exiled me to Madrid!" he said, referring to his recent tenure as U.S. Ambassador to Spain.
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