
Students Deconstruct Woody Allen

Known for his relatively low-profile New York lifestyle, Allen described himself as someone who hasn't reveled in success.

"I'm like the character in the movie," he said.


"I'm happy eating turkey meatballs, sitting in front of the TV watching the Knicks play. That's really all I need," he said.

After the showing, audience members noted how closely Allen's real life persona resembled the characters he usually acts.

"It was Woody Allen playing Woody Allen," said Sabrina Zanella-Foresi, a former teaching fellow for the Department of Visual and Environmental Studies (VES).

VES reserved a group of seats for concentrators in the department. Several VES students asked Allen for advice in pursuing film careers.

"There's no procedure to follow," Allen said. "He or she out there who has the talent will emerge."

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