
Starr Rebuffs Critics at Forum

Starr said the independent counsel statute, which Congress enacted in 1978 following the turmoil of Watergate, was bad government.

"It was a well-intention but illusory effort to eradicate politics or the appearance of politics from the administration of Justice," he said.

Starr avoided direct criticism of Janet Reno's Justice Department, with the exception of one story during the question-and-answer period.


On Feb. 9, 1998, Starr's office was accused by Clinton lawyer David Kendall of leaking grand jury testimony to the media.

Starr said that as soon as he was made aware of the allegations, he called the FBI and spoke with assistant director Neil Gallagher.

Starr said he asked that FBI agents investigate his own office.

But, he said, "the Justice Department forbade the FBI from providing that assistance."

Starr denied that he or his prosecutors leaked grand jury testimony, which would have been illegal under federal law. He said that Clinton's lawyers had shared that information with the media.

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