

The Real McCain?

Now McCain may come out on the team of George W. Bush only months after running ads against him in South Carolina that equated him with President Clinton. Will he just apologize again later saying he did it to put himself in better position for a second presidential bid? That remains to be seen. But if the results of the Bush-McCain tea party are in any way as predicted, we ought not to view it as an aberration from the norm but as his most flagrant waffle yet and absolute proof of his real agenda.

America wanted an honest, principled candidate after the eight-year reign of the double-speak king. So they ignored these truths for a long time. But involvement in the Bush candidacy seems impossible to ignore. So where did all that straight talk go, John? I guess to quote the President, that depends on your definition of the word straight.


Brad R. Sohn '02 is a government concentrator in Kirkland House. His column appears on alternate Mondays.


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