
Historian Faust Appointed First Radcliffe Dean

Penn scholar takes over new institute Jan. 1

"Her personal qualities are equally as important and impressive--she can reach out and work with many people," he continued.

After finishing his formal remarks, Rudenstine took questions. Dunn arrived shortly thereafter from the airport.


Faust fielded questions about everything from her own particular brand of feminism to what she envisioned as Radcliffe's role in the lives of undergraduates.

In response to a question about her views on feminism, Faust responded, "I'm reminded of that bumper sticker that says, 'Feminism is the presumption that women are human beings.'"

"But I would hate to pin [the idea of feminism] down for anyone," she added. "You can't find in me one idea, the one truth. [Feminism] can be different for everyone."

At Harvard, Faust will be the only woman to sit on the University dean's council, which includes the heads of each of Harvard's 10 schools.

She brings the credentials of an academic heavyweight to the position.

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