


Reno's Decision To Seize Elin Unjustified

To the editors:


It's disturbing that The Crimson defends Janet Reno's decision to seize Elin Gonzalez (Editorial, April 24). The seizure was not a triumph of "the rule of law" but an alarming abuse of federal power.

Furthermore, it's disgraceful that The Crimson characterizes the resistance of Cuban-Americans to the will of the Justice Department and the INS as "the rule of the mob" and "irresponsible behavior." The editors dismiss concerns for the boy's future in Cuba as part of a "political agenda" because they don't have the faintest notion what it's like to grow up in a country with no freedom of speech, religion or the press.

Castro promises that when Elin returns to Cuba, he will be treated for the psychological harm done to him during his stay in the U.S. Cubans recognize what this means: once in Cuba Elin will be taken from his father, confined in a mental institution for ideological "cleansing" and periodically paraded before TV cameras to show a gullible U.S press how happy life in a communist state can be.

The Crimson's sense of justice is severely misplaced. The action of the federal government in Miami on Easter weekend was not a victory for a boy and his father but a victory for the dark forces of totalitarianism.

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