
Harvard: The View From Inside

From AAA to Zalacain

Of course, it's not as important what you study as what you do. The lifeblood of Harvard is its extracurricular universe; with more than 250 independent student groups, everyone gets to be president.

There are those students who plunge their very souls into their extracurriculars. (We at The Crimson wouldn't know anything about that.) One minute you have perfectly normal roommates, and the next they've vanished to travel the world with a cappella's Krokodiloes, plan cultural fairs for the Asian American Association, the largest group on campus or dress up as stags for the midnight rituals of the Science Fiction Association.


Some of the biggest activities generate their own characteristic types: the smooth-talking future senators of the Institute of Politics, the do-gooders at Phillips Brooks House Association, Harvard's umbrella community service agency and the oft-maligned windbags of the Undergraduate Council.

Publications range from liberal (Perspective) to conservative (the Salient) and useful (the Let's Go travel guide series) to pointless (the Harvard Lampoon, a semi-secret Sorrento Square social organization that used to occasionally publish a so-called humor magazine).

However, even though Harvard has a $14.4 billion endowment salted away, only a little trickles down to student groups--Harvard believes in self-sufficiency. Pleas for a student center have fallen on deaf ears, though the College's purchase of the Hasty Pudding building may help ease the theatrical space crunch.

But you won't be lacking for other kinds of resources. There are lots of benefits to Harvard you may never get around to using (there's a Gutenberg Bible somewhere), but you'll feel vaguely good just knowing they're nearby. Check out the Van Goghs in the Fogg Art Museum or the world-famous glass flowers. Or see a former dictator speak at the Kennedy School of Government. So many world leaders come you simply won't have time for those who lead countries smaller than France.

Party Mildly

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