
Students Relax After Cronkhite Plans Delayed

Plan to convert rooms to offices postponed a year

Earlier this spring when Radcliffe administrators announced plans to renovate Cronkhite, they were met with a barrage of hostilities and passionate monologues from current residents of Cronkhite. Most residents opposed the plan, saying the academic and residential community of Cronkhite was too special to disrupt.

Armini said the concern over a loss of housing for graduate students was "a factor in the overall decisions, one of many factors."


And with construction staved off for a year, Cronkhite students are claiming victory.

"This is excellent," said Alexander N. Skinner, a student at the Kennedy School of Government and a member of the task force formed by Cronkhite residents once the renovation plans were announced.

Residents planned a party Friday night to celebrate.

Even Acting Dean of Radcliffe Mary Maples Dunn contributed to the festivities, sending a case of champagne to the celebration.

The champagne arrived at the party with a large, typed note from Dunn that read "Cheers to another year in Cronkhite! Sorry I didn't get to tell you myself."

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