
Student Band Gets to Contest Final Four

"My mom helped us get votes back at home, spreading the word to friends," said Sandoval, the band's keyboard player.

The opportunity has changed the band's outlook on music as a career, members say.


"We've gotten a more serious attitude about it," Sandoval said. "Now that it's about to happen, there's an attitude of excitement, there's more of a push, like a runner that can see the finish line."

North House is turning up the heat since news of their online victory. In addition to its nightly practices, the band has become closer, more serious and more in touch with their music.

"We've definitely gotten closer," said Guvench. "We've been hanging out together all the time."

Band members were optimistic about the publicity the contest will bring them.

"This could really accelerate things," Sandoval said. "It's an incredible kick-start. It could put us a year or two ahead in the music industry."

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