
Tommy Rawson: Making Contendahs

"The kids here know what they're supposed to be doing [in terms of training], and if they do any differently, they know they won't be boxing anymore," he comments jokingly.

Rawson also works on his golf game whenever he gets the chance. Just ten years ago he shot two holes in one during a single round at the Winchester Country Club. Researchers at the club were unable to find a precedent for such an occurrence.

He had been golfing at the site for 48 years and never aced a hole before then.


As one writer pointed out at the time: "[It's] like hitting the jackpot on the slot machine in Las Vegas, and then returning to your hotel room to find Kim Basinger." Although this 80's lingo might be better translated now as winning a million on Regis's show and finding Carmen Electra, the impressiveness of his feat remains evident.

Although he doesn't have any regrets about his career and accomplishments, Rawson still feels a little bit sad about the demise of inter-collegiate boxing at Harvard. Boxing became an intramural sport here in 1937 and the Ivy League no longer has any varsity teams, with only Harvard, Dartmouth, and Colombia maintaining it as a club sport.

"We used to box with other colleges like MIT," Rawson said. "But then colleges like University of New Hampshire, Syracuse, Army, and Navy started giving [amateur boxers] scholarships to come there. We just couldn't compete with them."

"Harvard never did that," he adds. "That wasn't what the Ivy League did. Eventually they said we're not boxing with other colleges so they stopped [the competition] here."

Yet just by talking to him for a few minutes, one can see how much more fun he would be having if there was inter-collegiate matches for the Crimson to participate in.

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