
Students Protest Staff Out-Sourcing

When the students arrived at KSG, Ronald Spinola, a KSG dining hall worker, and one of his co-workers were standing outside taking a break.

Jeffery L. Goldberg '85-'86, a student at the Graduate School of Education (GSE), approached the workers and provided them with pamphlets explaining the protest.


"I hope you can really help," said Spinola, who has worked for SMS for seven months.

"[The march] is a really good thing because I think what they're saying is true," Spinola added. "[SMS employers] are not fair people to work for."

Although he said he loves his job, Spinola expressed frustrations with the company saying it is unresponsive to workers' needs.

As graduation nears, the University will be hiring several new employees from the outside to help out, Spinola said. He added that not only will these new workers be paid more money, but that he and his current co-workers will also have to train them.

In a meeting following their march, students from PSLM and the Harvard Prisoner Education Program brainstormed ways to continue their awareness efforts, such as tabling in dining halls and arranging a petition.

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