
Students Hang Tight as Markets Take a Dive

This week, his stocks have recovered, negating the loss on Friday. But he still has not made up for the correction that has been going on all week.

"I should have sold on Monday of the week before," Coscetta says.


But many student investors say they've learned to take the risks in stride.

"This is just a small bump in the road," says Jeffrey W. Helfrich '03.

Watching for Disaster

For most students who have serious investment portfolios, Friday's plunge was frightening but not exactly unexpected.

"I cannot say I was shocked, more like surprised," wrote Simon O. Holmes '03 in an e-mail message. "Nobody who knows the market could have honestly believed that the valuations some of these companies had were justified, or would last for the long term."

Holmes has been an investor for four years and has run his own portfolio since his junior year in high school.

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