Primal Scream have always been a band preternaturally dependent upon their producer; their finest moment until now, 1991's _Screamadelica_ was as much Andrew Weatherall's achievement as their own. _Echo Dek_, Adrian Sherwood's remix album of _Vanishing Point_ was arguably better than the original. _Exterminator_, too, shines because of those assisting the band. Among those producing _Exterminator_ are, variously, the Chemical Brothers, David Holmes and Kevin Shields of My Bloody Valentine. It's a diverse mix, though it flows surprisingly well. Highlights include David Holmes' _film noir_-style instrumental ("Blood Money"), and the catchy Jagz Kooner mix of "Swastika Eyes." The finale, "Shoot Speed/Kill Light" features the blazing guitar of New Order's Bernard Sumner.
The album is brought down somewhat by the well-intentioned, though somewhat dumb, lyrics. Alleging, however, that the government is at once trying to "exterminate the underclass" and "exterminate the telepaths" ("Exterminator") does tend to make a mockery of the band's stated anti-fascist message. To the Scream's credit, though, the Sex Pistols, obvious inspirations here, did have sillier lyrics. It's an album the Pistols would have liked: it bodes well for the future of rock.
-Dan Visel
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