


The writer is the President of the Harvard Celtic Society.

Clarifying Quote on Gomes


To the editors:

I am writing in response to the recent FM article about evangelical Christians, "Lift High the Cross" (FM, April 13). The article refers to me only once, and I am quoted as saying that Mr. Gomes, "twists the Bible to fit his sick lifestyle."

First of all, I did not intend to attack Gomes personally in a public forum such as The Crimson. My quote was obtained from a casual conversation, and I was not aware that they would be published. The quote, as stated, does not accurately represent my viewpoint on this issue.

I apologize for the harsh way my views were portrayed. However, in the correct context, my quote does reflect my views. While I uphold the Biblical view that homosexuality is sinful, I do not see it as being in any way different from the sin that is evident in my own life. All sin is sick. The quote, as presented, wrongly implies that homosexuality is somehow different from all other sins.

Even though the Bible convicts me of sin in my own life, I cannot be inconsistent in my interpretation of Scripture. The sickness that my quote refers to concerns the denial of the Truth. God commands Christians not to condone or participate in anything that is mentioned in the Bible as a sin. It says in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, "Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."

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