
Frothingham Award Faces Legal Review

Lewis had said the Fay Prize couldn't legally be given in the future under the gender restriction that had governed it in the past.

"For many prizes it was possible simply to lift the gender restriction, but this one seemed to have a special status," Lewis wrote last week.

But Frank J. Connors, the Harvard attorney who reviewed the terms of the Fay Prize, said that legally the gender restriction can easily be removed and the prize made open to both men and women.


Indeed, said Connors, once the gender restriction is removed, the Institute would be free to award the prize this year from a legal perspective.

Yet, Radcliffe will not be awarding the prize this year.

Lewis said last week that "the Fay Prize was and is Radcliffe's to award."

And Acting Dean of the Institute Mary Maples Dunn said the Institute was prepared to eliminate the gender restrictions, but the character of the Fay prize still needs to change.

"We want to give a prize consistent with our mission," she said.

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