
Students Commemorate Columbine Anniversary

"Our problem right now is not having enough recognition on the Harvard campus," Wahl says.

Wahl says students who have not had a dramatic experience involving school violence might not feel motivated to join such a group.


"I'm from Colorado and I would not be at all interested if it wasn't for Columbine," he says. "I'm not proud of that fact."

DGP's goals, on the other hand, have been oriented more towards public service.

In September, DGP launched its first project, entitled "RESPECT." DGP members began talking to teachers, social workers, parents and students in local schools about the incidence of youth violence and the need for respect between students.

"Kids at [Columbine] didn't respect themselves and clearly [gunners] Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris didn't respect the lives of anyone else," Gaughan says.

This summer, the DGP team plans to bicycle to different schools across the United States and educate middle school students about youth violence.

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