


Cindy J. Kin '00

April 16, 2000


Defending Mr. Chu

To the editors:

Give me a break. The recent hubbub raised over The Misanthropic Mister Chu (Op-Ed, April 17) is ridiculous and just illustrates the ludicrous extent to which political correctness has reached. Should all Asian-Americans portrayed in the media be tall, science-hating, incredibly popular people? Should all minorities portrayed in the media be completely removed any characteristic that might be taken as a stereotype--in other words be made bland, boring and unbelievable?

This perhaps is one of the reasons why there are so few minorities in the media in general. What writer would want to risk the wrath of politically correct pundits? What writer would want the task of scripting dialogue that has to be completely inoffensive? Seems to me that the attempted censorship of Mister Chu sports its own message of racial intolerance by restricting certain characteristics from Asians. And hey, Mister Chu isn't even a stereotype. After all, he doesn't even know kung-fu.

Raymond H. Wu '03

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