

Spring Cleaning

God bless the Independent Counsel law. Call this office any name you want, but maybe it will actually serve its purpose and give President Clinton what he deserves for his disgusting bastardization of the truth throughout the entire Monica S. Lewinsky scandal--that is, unless Al Gore '69 has anything to say about it. Right now, Clinton says he doesn't want a pardon if he faces criminal charges. And Al Gore has responded to the issue of pardoning his boss if elected president, a la Gerald Ford, by suggesting Clinton's response makes this a moot point. But the Slick One and the Inventor of the Internet have, at times, been a bit disingenuous. If Gore's tireless fundraising efforts ultimately land him the good office on Pennsylvania Ave, look for waffle number one to be the Clinton pardon.



In light of the latest local catastrophe, the mismanagement of the Central Artery Tunnel project (a.k.a. "The Big Dig"), it's nice to see that private citizens are taking it upon themselves to help serve the community at large. In this era of expanding government programs to levels that would make Thomas Jefferson cry, some prominent locals are doing great things without government involvement. Former 8th district congressman Joe Kennedy founded a non-profit organization called "Citizen's Energy." The non-profit corporation uses entrepreneurial revenue to provide heating and oil to low-income families at up to 40 percent below market value. Thanks to Kennedy's effort as a private citizen, many Massachusetts families can live more comfortably.


Texas Gov. George W. Bush put himself in a tough position this past February when he sold his political soul to the devil--er, Pat Robertson--in exchange for a comeback victory in South Carolina. It seems to me that the easiest way for him to show people the compassionate part of his "compassionate conservatism" exists, is to choose the right running mate. Insisting on a pro-life running mate just won't work. One name no one seems to raise anymore because of her recent tough re-election battle is New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman. She is everything the Republican party ought to be highlighting--an intelligent social moderate with a proven record. A Bush-Whitman ticket might give the Texas neophyte a better chance at November victory.


Last, with the 2000 NFL draft happening over the weekend, as many as three members of the 1999 Harvard Crimson squad may have found themselves on pro rosters. For linebackers Isaiah J. Kacyvenski '00 and Michael E. Sands '00, as well as tight end Christopher J. Eitzmann '00, this is a terrific way to cap off their college careers. Congratulations and best wishes to them--and now it's time buckle down for the last few weeks of school.


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