
School Committee Approves Budget Without Amending

But committee member Susana M. Segat said she didn't like many points in D'Alessandro's plan.

"This budget does not get my vote of confidence," said Segat, who objected to cuts in home economics at the high school and said not enough money had been allocated to special education. "We're going to be caught unaware on a number of points."


While many financial provisions were passed without discussion, the committee talked about a few provisions concerning CRLS reform at more length.

One particularly intense debate focused on Evans' plan to drop home economics classes as part of a broader school reform that will even out the size of the current "houses" and standardize their teaching styles.

Segat objected to the cut, saying the home economics classes were among the most popular at CRLS.

Other committee members said they regretted cutting popular classes but felt it was more important to give Evans a free hand in restructuring the high school.

"We made a promise to the school council," said committee member Nancy Walser of the CRLS parent and teacher association. "They would support the restructuring. One of the caveats was that we would let them determine their own budget."

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