
Panelists Express Optimism for Peace in Korea

Experts hope for resolution to North-South conflict

"It is our hope that this momentous meeting...will mark the beginning of the end of the confrontation between North and South," Hong-Koo said.

The one member of the panel with military credentials expressed a similar optimism.


North Korea "still [remains] dangerous," said General John Tilelli Jr., who commands U.S. forces on the peninsula. But the alliance between the U.S. and South Korea "has yielded dividends...that progressively are moving in the right direction," he added.

Tilelli attributed much of this progress to the professionalism and dedication of the men and women serving in South Korea.

"It's one of those unique places that you grow to love very quickly," he said, commenting on his personal experience there.

Two of the panelists suggested that unification is ultimately likely.

Hong-Koo and Bosworth said that any moves toward unification must proceed in baby steps.

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