

Eliminate the Abortion Refund

Health services funding should not be influenced by personal preferences

DISSENT: Respect Freedom of Conscience

Preserving reproductive freedom is important, but far more important is the defense of freedom of conscience. By eliminating the option for a refund of that part of the mandatory student health services fee used to fund abortion, UHS would force opponents of abortion to finance what they see as murder.


Regardless of the merits of their position, it is wrong to compel them to support something that runs counter to the teachings of their church and the voice of their conscience. Under the current system, opponents of abortion are able to make a private peace with the system, knowing that they do not help to maintain abortion. The number of people who take advantage of the refund is so small that eliminating it does nothing to secure the availability of abortion. It is a gratuitous and unconscionable attempt to force a minority to violate their religious and moral beliefs by funding that which they find unconscionable.

--Charles C. DeSimone '01

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