
Illingworth Weighs Pudding Changes

"The Pudding gives us more flexibility, even if we keep Agassiz Theatre," Illingworth said. "This adds another fully equipped theater [to the community]."

Illingworth will spearhead the renovation efforts along with Georgene B. Herschbach, associate dean of the College for finance and administration, and an advisory committee.

Illingworth said the College will likely hire a professional theater director to serve as an administrator to the Pudding theater and coordinate plans for the stage.


Unlike any other campus theater, Illingworth said the director will report directly to the College.

"We'll have some professional resident person to run things," he said. "But that director will work under the Dean's office of the College."

Illingworth also said he is exploring the possibility of adding to the backstage of the theater--the area behind the stage--to give more room to actors and stage crew.

"Can we enlarge the backstage? That's one of the problems with Agassiz, there isn't any backstage," Illingworth said. "I'm exploring if we can make the space larger and/or more efficient."

He also said that if FAS decides to use the Pudding space for dance performances, the stage floor would have to be replaced to be safe for dancers.

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