
Area 4: Our neighborhood

"Things are getting better," he says.

Bursting with Diversity

The area has some unique strengths. Its residents have diverse backgrounds, which leads to strong neighborhood ties.


Probably no other area of Cambridge contains a wider mix of people: Caucasians, African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, French-Creoles, Haitians and Portuguese, to name just a few.

English is not the primary language of more than one-third of Area 4's residents, census statistics show.

"It's a real mix of cultures," Gamble says. "That's what makes it interesting."

Except for family-owned stores, commerce in Area 4 is limited to the edges. Travel agencies advertise trips to Haiti; convenience stores trumpet sales in three languages.

The few stores within the residential neighborhoods are as varied as the residents, their names often printed in multiple languages.

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