


Buck does not like Bishop Spong. But if, as Buck asserts, the fact that we may share Spong's beliefs does not imply that it is right for him to give the lecture, then why does the fact that Buck does not share Spong's beliefs imply that it is wrong for him to give the lecture?

It's fine to argue that Bishop Spong shouldn't give a lecture. It's even fine to simply take issue with Spong's opinions themselves. Just don't do one wearing the self-righteous mask of doing the other.

Max-Joseph Montel '01


March 8, 2000

Don't Trust Gym ID Log

To the editors:

Your coverage about the use (or misuse) of Hemenway Gym is misleading (Feature, March 6). The article refers to the gym as "untapped," "underused" and "underutilized." The ID checker's log is used as one piece of evidence to support this assessment. I simply urge that all decision-makers do not make any conclusions on the fate of the gym based upon these logs. I go to the gym four to five times a week at various times during the day, and the ID checker post is empty approximately half of the time. While I do not doubt that law students use the gym with more frequency than any other constituency, the overall use of the gym is far greater than the inadequate log books would indicate.

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