
Faculty Nibble Few Dining Hall Meals

"Students can go and do this today," Shumsky says. "The [council] is beginning to mount a significant publicity campaign for this. We'll have posters that are put up around campus at the end of this week."

Mayer says that HUDS will also be willing to assist in publicity.


"We'll be happy to work with the students," Mayer says. "The student of course has to invite the Faculty member."

According to Lewis, card swipes have now been enabled for all voting members of the Faculty. That means that senior lecturers, senior preceptors and all professors--including assistant and associate professors--will all be able to swipe.

But lecturers, preceptors, instructors and teaching fellows do not have privileges in the new program. Lewis says he hopes this will encourage the highest-ranking members of the teaching staff to engage in informal mealtime interaction with their students.

Lewis says that for a student to host a teaching fellow or other non-voting member of the teaching staff, meal vouchers will continue to be available from University Hall.

The new program also makes meal vouchers available from House offices and the checker's desk in Annenberg Hall.

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