
Campaigning Students Celebrate, Despair After Super Tues.

Bush and Gore supporters elated, McCain and Bradley followers dejected

"Now we don't have to play games," Porter said. "This is our candidate and we can push him. Now it's us versus the Democrats, which is the way it should be."

Porter says he will use the next few months to educate the campus.

"We will do literature drops, put up posters and organize speakers about Bush's policy on education and Bush's tax plan, for example," he said.


Mostly, Porter plans for the group to concentrate on "keeping people focused on the issues, despite the big lag time until the general election," he said.

"Right now, this is a time to get away from the heated politics of the horse race," Porter said.

Bradley and Gore

Tuesday night was a time of mourning for the students who have spent the past months campaigning for Bradley.

"I was absolutely crushed and really frustrated," said Bradley supporter Rachel E. Taylor '03.

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