
Mayor Galluccio Leads First Cambridge City Council Meeting

Council gives money for library site, city public T.V.

"There are so many events [in Cambridge]," Galluccio said. "It would be great if people could see them."

"I hope we can liven up the cable presentation a bit," Born added.


Councilors proposed installing projection screens in Sullivan Chamber, where council meetings are held, in order to allow for easy graphic presentations. Members also recommended expanding cable coverage to school board meetings.

Galluccio's appointments for the city council's numerous committees were made public last night in the council's agenda packet.

Committees cover finance to economic development to civic unity and are where the bulk of council's work is done.

This year's councillors serve on anywhere from two to nine of the 14 total committees.

"I met with all of the individual councillors last week," Galluccio said after the meeting. "This is the first regular meeting, and I am happy to say that the committees are assigned."

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