
Junior Parents Weekend Showcases the College

Eileen K. Bent '01, who is from Somerville, said she sees her parents frequently, but she enjoyed the chance to be together anyway.

"I enjoyed going out to dinner with them more than doing any other activities," Bent said. "We talked about summer jobs, and my parents were really interested in hearing the [Office of Career Service] panels."


Many agreed that the scheduled events--which included campus and library tours and lectures like 'Moral Energy of the Young' or 'Religious Pluralism in America'--were not the primary attraction.

"It's always cool to spend time with my parents and hang around Boston and Cambridge," Alicia E. Ingalls '01 said. "We didn't really talk about big issues like a career or anything as much as just big things going on my life."

But Amy C. Offner '01 said that a talk by Dean of the College Harry R. Lewis '68 provided unintentional amusement.

Last year, Lewis's speech was preempted by members of the Living Wage campaign, in which Offner is active.

"I guess that disturbed Dean Lewis a lot, because this year the hall was crawling with police, and his speech was cut short and to the point," she said. "My parents thought it was pretty funny."

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