
'Everybody Knows Joe': Beloved Van Driver Says Goodbye to the Shuttle

Despite his early struggles, Andrade says he feels that he has achieved his most important goals in life.

"I have a family, I own a home, I'm all set. Some people want the world. Me? I want health now, and faith. You have to have faith in yourself," he says.


Although he grew up in a working class Cambridge neighborhood and attended Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, only blocks from the Yard, Andrade never encountered Harvard students before he began driving the shuttle.

"Until I came and learned about the kids here, I thought all the kids that came to Harvard are rich. That's wrong," Andrade says.

Almost all his passengers are respectful and friendly, he says. And he tries to return the favor.

"I know all these kids," Andrade says. "It's all about manners--you respect me, I respect you."

Passengers rarely present difficulties, although occasionally on Friday and Saturday nights, students returning from parties find the ride too jostling.

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