
Strike Causes Bread Product Dearth

But he said there was a close call yesterday when HUDS had trouble finding pita bread. A source was found, however, and the menu remained unchanged.

"We don't have quite as many different kinds of bread as usual, but we've managed to get pretty much everything we need through other vendors," Miller said. "We're trying to keep everybody happy."


In fact, some HUDS servers said that some students seem to like the new bread better.

Twinkie and Ding Dong fans have not been quite as lucky, however.

Most area merchants have seen their supplies of the snacks dwindle since the start of the strike.

But for Matthew F. Lawson '00, who said he developed a "slight Twinkie problem" after watching a Hostess commercial recently, the strike has helped curb his addiction.

"I was having a few a day, or, at least one a day for a couple weeks, and I just stopped when the shortage hit," Lawson said.

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