
Grossman Urges Young Democrats to Participate

But Grossman, who took over the DNC amid historically low voter participation, a sea of campaign finance scandals and deep debt, said that the key to higher turnout is cleaner politics.

Last night, he elaborated on several proposals he supports, most of which are standard fare for Democratic politicians.


They include public financing of national elections, voting on Saturday and Sunday, elections conducted entirely by mail and Internet voting.

"We need to look at voting as if it was a consumer product," he said.

Putting him somewhat at odds with party officials in the Commonwealth, Grossman said the scheduling of so many primaries so early in the election season has harmed the process.

"These presidential primaries bunching up all the delegates don't give the American people a chance to look at the candidates for a long period of time," he said.

Still, he said, Bill Bradley's challenge to Gore has made the vice president a stronger candidate for the general election.

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