
City Council Approves New Eruv District for Orthodox Jews

Most of the eruv will be constructed out of existing structures, with any gaps in the parameter connected using nylon chord.

"It's an actual physical boundary made of existing walls, poles, bushes and whatever else is necessary," said Stephen Bickel, a member of the core committee of the North Charles Community of Eruv.


"It constructs what is symbolically a wall made of nylon," said Janet Shuldiner, also a member of the core committee.

Bickel said the measure should not create concerns about the city becoming too involved in religious matters.

"If there are concerns of separation of church and state, the involvement of the city does in no way affect the establishment clause of the Constitution," Bickel said.

Eruv districts already exist in several major cities throughout the country including New York, Los Angeles and Boston.

While no timeline is currently set for the project, supporters of the eruv proposal will now work to secure licensing agreements with utility committees, since much of the parameter will be formed by telephone poles and wires.

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