
Bow Stays Open While Fight To Keep it in the Square Continues

Dearing offered to arrange a meeting between Rosenberg, herself, and Murphy instead of with the general board.

This meeting was never finalized and did not happen, but both Dearing and Murphy say this was a simple case of miscommunication.


"Although I can understand why Stu would be upset about it, this really was strictly a situation of not knowing...[Murphy] didn't get the email in time," Dearing says.

But Murphy says he is willing to give Rosenberg an opportunity to talk to either him or the board as a whole.

"I have to talk to the chairman, but I don't see why having Stu present at the next meeting would be a problem," Murphy says. "These meetings are closed except for invited guests who have something important to contribute."

Whither the Bow?

Although Rosenberg decided to run for the position on the Coop board because of the Bow situation, he does not want to limit his platform to this single issue. In fact, he says opening the board meeting to all Coop members is important to the future of the organization.

"The Bow is not the only issue I want to focus on; more troublesome, is that we can't go to the board meeting. It's egregious that individuals should have to go through all the hoops I have had to go through," Rosenberg says. "I still haven't seen the contract, which was the original goal of this drive."

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