
Menino Orders Additional Affordable Housing

Developers of luxury buildings will reserve percentage for cheap housing

In his State of the City address, Menino identified Boston's housing problems as the major priority of his administration.

Menino's initiative, Shanahan said, will only make a real difference if production increases across the board in Boston.


"The mayor's order means that some of the new units built will be affordable, but this will only matter more units are built," Shanahan said.

Currently, students who work with the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization are circulating a petition on the Harvard campus, asking that state and federal governments to make a greater monetary commitment to affordable housing.

Ari M. Lipman '00, who has been organizing the petitioning drive, said the mayor's initiative is a welcome step but will not slow the drive.

"No one's kidding themselves to think that this will make a huge difference," he said. "We're asking both the state and federal government to double their budgets for affordable housing."

According to Shanahan, the mayor's budget is simply not large enough to truly address Boston's low-income housing problem.

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