
M. Hockey Falls in Beanpot Opener

The Crimson forwards had difficulty generating any sort of offense in the first period, and Harvard was lucky to emerge from the first period down by just a goal.

Only the line of junior winger Chris Bala, freshman center Dominic Moore and freshman winger Brett Nowak had any success penetrating the Terrier blueline in the opening 20 minutes.

"They controlled the first period," Mazzoleni said. "I don't know how many chances we had. We didn't capitalize and we didn't deserve to win the game."


Despite Harvard's lackluster performance, the Crimson could have stolen a win from the Terriers in the second period were it not for a questionable decision on a disallowed goal called against the Crimson.

At the six-minute mark of the second, Dominic Moore had what appeared to be the equalizer on a spectacular play.

Picking up a loose puck at center ice, Moore slipped past B.U. sophomore defenseman Chris Dyment and circled behind the net.

Waiting for the goaltender to go down, Moore roofed the puck through Nowak's legs and over the shoulder of B.U. freshman goaltender Rick DiPietro.

"We knew that DiPietro liked the butterfly and I wanted to draw him out of net with a fake shot," Moore said. "But there were like eight guys in the middle of the ice, so I decided to keep the puck and just go around the net."

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