
The Agreeable Mr. Illingworth

If Illingworth has thus far played a supporting role in the administration, never publicly disagreeing with Lewis, this seems in part to be a result of the new administrative structure.

The change--from having a dean of students to having an associate dean of the College for extracurricular activities--is one Lewis says was intended to reflect a changed administrative structure that was already becoming a reality. Indeed, Lewis says that Illingworth has largely the same responsibilities that Epps once had.

But Epps and Illingworth envision their jobs and authority differently.


Even though both Lewis and Illingworth say they work collaboratively, at the end of the day, Illingworth acknowledges Lewis is the boss.

"[Lewis] can trump me--that's a part of working for someone," Illingworth says. Illingworth praises the "team approach" of the College administration and says he doesn't particularly want to strike out on his own.

"I am not, nor do I want to be, a lone ranger," he says. "I don't see myself operating in opposition to [Lewis], nor do I want to."

In contrast, while Epps also worked under the Dean of the College, he viewed his position as permitting him to pursue his own agenda.

"I was a free-ranging citizen who spoke with whomever needed to be spoken with," he says.

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