
Council Overrides Burton, Sets New Special Election Date

"The vice president does NOT hold sole authority to determine the schedule and rules for Special Elections," he wrote. "The VP is responsible for administering the elections, but 'The Executive Board shall be the sole arbiter of all special election disputes.'" Marshall, along with other council members, has called for Burton to resign in recent weeks.

In an interview, Driskell said she thought it was inappropriate for Griffin and others to publicly question Burton's decision.


"That should have never happened. It should have been a decision kept strictly to the executive board," she said.

She said she also wondered at the motives of the executive board members who overruled Burton's decision, given that next semester's executive board will be elected at the Feb. 6 meeting. She also said members of the board were predisposed to disagree with Burton. Four of the seven are political opponents.

"I think it's interesting that they decided to stave off elections for 25 percent of the council until after they are themselves re-elected," she said.

However, she said she agreed that the scandals surrounding Burton would likely make things difficult for the two of them on council.

"There was a lot of general malaise surrounding our election, but we still have an agenda to push," she said. "I think we've already seen that things will be difficult."

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