
M. Hockey Drops a Pair to Clarkson, St. Lawrence

"The most important thing is to capitalize on our chances," said Turco, whose ice time has drastically increased as one of the Crimson's most consistent forwards. "I had one great opportunity, but it didn't go in."

Down 1-0 on a first period goal by center Erik Anderson, Allman tied the game with a rare Harvard shorthanded goal. Capouch nudged the puck forward to the captain, who broke in all alone, deking once and pinpointing the puck inside the far post at 8:41 of the second.


The Saints promptly snuffed out any momentum from Allman's strike. Ten seconds later, Carruthers backhanded a pass on the doorstep from freshman winger Mike Gellard over a sliding Prestifilippo to recapture the lead.

"We're improving as a team," Dominic Moore said. "We played 60 minutes both nights almost entirely as one. Despite the 0-2 record, we're happy with the strides we've taken."

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