


The author is a Ph.D. Candidate in History and Middle Eastern Studies and co-president of the Harvard-based World Council on Religion on Peace.

Give Back to Donors


To the editors:

In response to David A. Fahrenthold's "Harvard Won't Get My Change" (Column, Feb. 15), I ask my classmates to view senior gift as our gesture of thanks to those alumni donors who have made our education possible.

Sure, we had to work hard to get through Harvard, and many students have incurred sizable student loan debts. Even so, none of us pays the nearly $50,000 per year that it costs Harvard to educate each student.

We are a privileged group of people who have been living on the dole for four years. We should be humble instead of feeling entitled and ungrateful. Giving our "pocket change" demonstrates to alumni donors that we appreciate their investment in us.

Edward T. Freeman '00

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