Many professors might not find sleeping students insulting. But that doesn't mean letting them off scot-free.
James E. Davis, senior lecturer on chemistry, sees his share of drowsy students in his 9 a.m. lecture for Chemistry 5: "Introduction to Principles of Chemistry."
He recalls one student who, for an entire semester, would sit in the center of the front row and listen enthusiastically for about 15 minutes.
"Invariably, however, he would fall asleep and his jaw would drop wide open, right there in the front row," Davis says.
Davis says he often yearned to stick a piece of chalk in the student's mouth.
Professors even swap stories about legendary pranks, he says.
"A student went to sleep in a very large class," Davis says. "The professor noticed and asked the class to leave very quietly and the next class to come in very quietly. Finally, the student woke up and looked around."
"He was shocked to realize that he was in a completely different class," Davis laughs.
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