
Students Organize Drive To Save Bow

"It's hard to find a place where people get along so well, with the camaraderie between people of such different socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds," Brennan said. "During the day you have all regulars, then at night the college kids come in, and everyone gets along, everyone leaves the Bow happy."

The Coop has told The Crimson repeatedly that negotiations are in the hands of IDM Inc., and that the company will control who occupies the property after renovations. The Coop must, however, approve any final lease of the building, although they will not participate in finding or assigning tenants.

Tiziana Dearing, a member of the Coop's Board of Trustees and a KSG student, says the matter is out of the Coop's hands.


"Whether or not the Bow and Arrow stays is up to the organization that has a contract from the Coop for the property. They are the ones determining how to develop it, what rents to charge and who will have the ability to lease there," she wrote an e-mail message to the KSG students in the Save the Bow group.

She also said the Coop did not have profit-making motives in mind.

"I understand the Bow and Arrow is a tradition, and I admit to being sad it's

going to go. I also understand the Coop's fiscal responsibility to its members, however. Remember, the Coop is not a for-profit company," Dearing wrote.

The focus of the student's petition is to put pressure on the Coop, hoping to strike some sort of a compromise that will allow the Bow to stay in the Square.

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