
Silent Warrior: Pankau Leads M. Volleyball to Success

On the court, Pankau has been a steady presence and all-around leader. For his entire four-year career, Pankau has been in the top three in all significant statistical categories.

Pankau was fifth in the nation in hitting percentage his freshman year, 14th in the nation in blocking his sophomore year and led the nation in blocking last year. Aside from being phenomenal on paper, he also exudes a confidence on the court that pervades the other players.


"Ed is a silent leader who truly leads by example," junior co-captain Justin Micomonaco said, "What is truly amazing, though, is despite his superior level of play, Ed exhibits patience and reassurance to players still developing."

This encouraging confidence has pulled the Crimson through some of its most crucial moments this season. For instance, in a match against the Roger Williams Hawks, Harvard lost the second game after struggling to get a win in the first game. The momentum was obviously on Roger Williams' side, and the Hawks seemed ready to pounce upon the floundering Crimson.

Determined not to lose the match, Pankau proceeded to calmly execute his kill attempts efficiently and, during time outs, would casually exhort his teammates to step up. Harvard did just that and went on to a 3-1 win.

Another match in which Pankau's silent leadership made the difference was Tuesday's contest against MIT.

The Crimson, down 1-0 and then 2-1 in the match, was on the brink of blemishing its untarnished league record.

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