
Faculty Donate Election Dollars

Fletcher University

Professor Cornel R. West '74 said he did not have time to comment extensively on his support of Bradley, but says, "He's my close friend and brother. I support him wholeheartedly and plan to go all the way to the White House, drop him off, and come back to Cambridge."

Mistaken Identity?


At least two officials said they did not recall having made the contribution they are listed as having made. The website records University attorney and former Justice Department official Allan A. Ryan Jr. as having donated $250 to the Bradley campaign in September.

"I was very surprised to look on the web and see my name, address and employer," said Ryan. "Clearly it was me they were referring to."

He spoke to the Bradley campaign treasurer Peter Nichols, who explained that campaign worker had made an error.

He says Nichols told him the campaign received a contribution from Allan Ryan III, but did not have the donor's complete background information. When it was time to report to the FEC, campaign workers found the Harvard Ryan's name in a directory of lawyers and recorded his information in their files.

"I said, 'How do you draw the conclusion that Allan Ryan III who gave you money from New York is the same as Allan Ryan Jr. from Cambridge, Mass. who didn't?'" Ryan recalls. "The thing that strikes me is that this is something they are required to do by law...and they're just throwing [the information] around."

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