

Don't Vote McCain For Altar Boy

Americans want to forgive candidates for past wrongs if they face up to them. They have proven this in the past by either picking up or not picking up on the news media's cues. In this case, the media hasn't covered McCain's mistakes all that much because after confronting him on the issues, there is little story that remains. This is the post-Clinton lesson--if you screw up, admit it and move on.

McCain might do an excellent job in the Oval Office if elected. But this has nothing to do with his character. If people vote for him, it should be because he has pledged to pay off the debt and restore fiscal accountability, because he understands military and foreign policy. The character thing has to stop.


The new trend in politics is to admit serious wrongs years later. And while this certainly is better than the Clinton-two-step, it still doesn't erase wrongs. McCain might make a good president, but because his policies work, not because he's some patron saint. Suggesting he's anything other than a typical politician is well, bananas. And I'm not referring to Joe.

Brad R. Sohn '02 is a government concentrator in Kirkland House. His column appears on alternate Wednesdays.


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