


'Freshmeat' Lacks Diversity

To the editors:

I was greatly disappointed to find that the article on "Harvard's Freshmeat" (FM, Feb. 10) lacked something that Harvard prides itself in--diversity. Particularly with the relatively large Asian American population at Harvard, I question the standards used that led to their complete exclusion. I only hope that our notions of beauty are not exclusive to one race.


Whereas some may say it is a matter of personal taste, I feel that FM is acting as a representative of the entire Harvard community in selecting the "15 hottest frosh." Hence, the lack of diversity expressed seems a reflection of a lack of proper representation. Thus the issue at hand is not about personal taste, but rather a reflection of a misconstrued vision of beauty that has left out some of the most beautiful people on campus, whether intentionally or not. I hope that the editors will take more precaution in trying to prevent the perpetuation of the "whitewashing" of society's ideas of beauty.

William L. Everson '02

Feb. 11, 2000

What's Love Got To Do With It?

To the editors:

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