
Order Up: Seton Trades The Gavel For a Spatula

Although Billett noted that Seton asked him what he wanted before he even got up to the grill's counter, Schneider said Seton was often lax about his duties. She called him "the worst recycler ever."

"He's not a very hard worker, but he's funny, so people put up with him," Schneider quips. "He's a hoot."

Noting his penchant for taking breaks, Schneider said she thought Seton wasn't cut out for grill work.


"He's not a grill worker at heart," she said. "I think he misses the attention that he got being president of the [council]."

It's a sentiment Seton is inclined to agree with.

"I'm nothing now. I'm working in the frickin' Kirkland grill," he exclaims, cleaning the remaining kernels out of the popcorn machine. "Whatever importance I had as a political player on campus has clearly gone the way of the pizza bagel."

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