
Averell Hit with Election Violations

Faced with heavy possible penalties and the commission's strict interpretation of the $100 spending limit, candidates are being forced to come up with creative ways of getting their message out.

A Barkley campaign volunteer dressed up as a werewolf yesterday outside the Science Center to pass out literature.

Smith is hosting a campaign concert tonight in Loker Commons featuring two student bands and some spoken word poetry.


Also on the campaign trail yesterday, Barkley, Smith and Zanotelli unveiled new rounds of campaign posters which they said were modeled on those of Paul A. Gusmorino '02.

The campaigns previously had only had their names on posters--all now also mention campaign issues in their posters, like Gusmorino's.

Other campaigns complained yesterday that Smith's mention of student groups, including the Coalition of Sexual Violence (CASV), implied an endorsement of his campaign.

"If you mention groups on your posters, it definitely implies that they've endorsed him," said Jeffrey A. Letalien '01, Barkley's campaign manager. "It's unfortunate he's mentioning groups before they've endorsed."

Although Smith is a member of CASV, it has not made an endorsement, according to Jennifer C. Price '03, CASV co-chair. Gusmorino is also a CASV member. Both attend the majority of the group's meetings, Price said.

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