
Haitians, despite obstacles, plant city roots

When Randolph returned to Haiti after her brother's death in 1992, she took with her clothes and money for friends and relatives.

Randolph says her visit convinced her that she never wants to live in Haiti again and made her appreciate America even more.


"It wasn't just that I appreciated America," she says. "I can put it higher than that."

She was grateful, she says, that, as opposed to the people in Haiti, "I have somewhere to go."

Randolph says the thing she most appreciates is the freedom that she has found.

"You have your own power, you can work for money, you can be an independent woman," she says.

Randolph mentions how difficult it is for a single mother to be able to provide for her children in Haiti. She also mentions the rampancy of AIDS in Haiti, especially among youth, and the danger it would have posed to her own children.

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